Home / NIGERIA / Bin: 533856

Details for the BIN/IIN Code: 533856

Bank Identification Numbers (BINs) are the first 6 to 8 digits of a card number. These numbers are used to identify the issuing bank or financial institution of the card. BINs can be used to verify the validity of a card, to prevent fraudulent activity, and optimize payment routing. The BIN/IIN Code 533856 is issued by GUARANTY TRUST BANK PLC in NIGERIA and it is of type DEBIT and brand MASTERCARD. It is categorised as PREPAID.

BIN Details

BIN 533856
Category PREPAID
Issuer Phone Number +23414480000 / +2348029002900
Issuer URL #

How BIN/IIN Works

What is BIN/IIN?

BIN (Bank Identification Number) or IIN (Issuer Identification Number) refers to the first six digits of a payment card number. These digits identify the institution that issued the card.

How does BIN/IIN work?

When a customer makes a purchase, the BIN/IIN is used to verify the card issuer. This helps the payment processor determine if the card is valid and if the funds are available.

Why is BIN/IIN important?

BIN/IIN plays a crucial role in fraud detection and prevention. It helps merchants identify potential fraudulent transactions by cross-referencing the BIN/IIN with known fraud patterns.

Can BIN/IIN be used for demographic analysis?

Yes, BIN/IIN can provide insights into demographic data, such as the geographic location of cardholders and the types of cards they use, which can help businesses tailor their offerings.

How to protect against BIN/IIN-related fraud?

To protect against BIN/IIN-related fraud, it’s important to use secure payment methods, regularly monitor card statements, and employ fraud detection tools.

About FindBINNumbers.com

FindBINNumbers.com is a powerful and reliable tool designed to help users quickly and accurately identify details about payment cards using the Bank Identification Number (BIN). Whether you're a developer integrating payment solutions, a financial institution conducting security checks, or an individual looking to verify card information, Binlist.io simplifies the process by providing instant access to crucial card data, such as the issuing bank, card type, country of origin, and more.

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